Saturday, May 06, 2006

Weird Dell laptop CPU specs, What the HAM???

Weird Dell laptop CPU specs, What the HAM???
Atomic, Australia - May 2, 2006What the ham?? Is CPUz reading the CPU wrong? whats with the 598Mhz core speed reading?? I checked out the dell bios and it showed max CPU speed as 1.8Ghz. ...

A Seder in Sulaymaniyah
nextbook, NY - Apr 12, 2006... And then I suddenly became my grandfather rushing through the story of the Exodus as if I was in a speed-reading competition. ...

Your Say: Korean delight... but what s in it?
New Straits Times, Malaysia - Apr 2, 2006... ludicrous tune of 19! We can t imagine motorists speed reading the signs to their destination. Landlords have always imposed ...

Priit Parn, Estonia s animator-general
Baltic Times, Latvia - Apr 26, 2006... from Eliot. And watching any of his movies once is a bit like speed-reading The Wasteland and not bothering with it again. I ...

Clothes made this man, OR - Apr 29, 2006... standing, flips it open. He runs his fingers over several pages of fabric swatches as if speed reading Braille. He stops abruptly ...