May 4th...8:30 pm
Welcome back to the most exciting 2 minutes in blogging (ok depending on your reading speed your results may vary). This will be the pre Derby post as I'll be off to Churchill Downs for our coverage of Oaks Day tomorrow.
The Eyes Have It
The Mind's Eye Our sight, the most complicated sense we possess, has been fooling the mind behind our eyes for millions of years. We believe that we have wide angle, high detail color vision, but the reality is our accurate color vision is concentrated inside a tiny part of our visual field. The rest is simply movement sensing, mostly black-and-white awareness. The brain fools itself into
May 8th...9:45 pm
It was another very successful day of broadcasting the pagentry of the Kentucky Derby Saturday. It was also another very unsucessful day of wagering on said event.
Get familiar with these shortcuts
You can save time and use a computer quicker if you use keyboard shortcuts. Reaching for a mouse takes extra time. You have to take one hand off the keyboard, find the mouse and move the pointer to a particular spot.
At her fingertips: Braille opens worlds for elementary student
"Windows for Rosemary Part II." Christina Jimenez reads the story about a special little girl with relish. "It is my favorite story," she said. When the lead character celebrates a birthday, Christina sings "Happy Birthday."
How I Work: Brad Isaac
Continuing this week's How I Work series, productivity blogger, developer, and good-linking Pocket PC addict Brad Isaac lets us know how he gets things done (list form followed by detailed...
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