Tuesday, April 18, 2006

PureDepth Awarded Two More Patents to Its Multi-Layer (Speed Reading) Display (MLD(TM)) IP Portfolio

PureDepth Awarded Two More Patents to Its Multi-Layer Display (MLD(TM)) IP Portfolio
REDWOOD SHORES, Calif.----April 12, 2006--PureDepth, Inc. , a world-leading developer of display technologies and the developer of Multi-Layer Display (MLD) technology, today announced that it has been granted two patents -- one by the Israeli Patent Office and another by the Singaporean Patent Office -- which, respectively, cover a core design element of MLD technology and how the technology is

Nine-Year-Old Enumerates One Thousand Decimal Places of Pi
A nine-year-old girl, living in Changsha City, Hunan province, in China, demonstrates her exceptional memory by reciting the number for pi to one thousand decimal points. Pi is the ratio of the cir...

Electric hearings to move quickly
DOVER -- House and Senate committees will hold hearings Wednesday on a package of bills aimed at deflecting some of the pain associated with Delmarva Power's looming electric rate increase.

GSB To Host First Nerd Olympics
The University of Chicago is a well known institution for several reasons: Nobel winning faculty, the invention of the nuclear bomb, and of course the wonderful catch phrase "the place that fun came to die." However, due to a recent trend, the University of Chicago has decided to distinguish itself in one other way: by hosting the first annual Nerd Olympics.

Ashford launches online leadership series
An interview with former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor is the first in a new online leadership series launched by Ashford University in Clinton, Iowa.

Get more done: 101 performance boosters
Interruptions from e-mail, phone calls and people at the office door eat up a quarter of the average workday. Here are four ways to get on with your job: