Sunday, April 16, 2006

A land of sweeping claims (Speed Reading)

A land of sweeping claims
I LOVE a sunburnt country - as long as it pays royalties. So say the keepers of poet Dorothea MacKellar's estate.

Manitobans speed will be watched
PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE Motorists across Manitoba will get used to being reminded not to speed, if organizers of Manitobas Speed Watch program have their way.

Nine-Year-Old Enumerates One Thousand Decimal Places of Pi
A nine-year-old girl, living in Changsha City, Hunan province, in China, demonstrates her exceptional memory by reciting the number for pi to one thousand decimal points. Pi is the ratio of the cir...

Ashford launches online leadership series
An interview with former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor is the first in a new online leadership series launched by Ashford University in Clinton, Iowa.

Get more done: 101 performance boosters
Interruptions from e-mail, phone calls and people at the office door eat up a quarter of the average workday. Here are four ways to get on with your job:

Speed reading
PLAINFIELD The village's water meter readers used to really get a workout. "We used to walk up to 15 miles per day," said Eric Miller, water operator crew leader. "You would have blisters on your feet and everything."