Sunday, December 16, 2007

Choosing A Speed Reading Technique

Before starting to learn a speed reading technique you should
establish your current reading speed. Knowing your starting
point will allow you to measure your improvement,this will help
to keep you motivated. It is also helpful to set a target which
you would like to meet, make sure that this is a sensible
target, if you feel daunted by the large leap from your current
reading speed to the desired reading speed you can always set
smaller weekly targets.

The first speed reading technique we will discuss is the line
technique. Most people were taught to read by growing letters
into syllables, syllables into words and words into sentences.
When we read as adults we are continuing the same learnt
pattern, starting with the left most word of a line and working
across the page or column until we reach the right hand side.
This speed reading technique replaces this habit with the
concept of reading a phrase, sentence or line at one glance. The
idea is to look at the middle of the line and the grasp the
whole line at one time, then move onto the next line. By using
this speed reading technique you are effectively reading down
the page rather than across the page as traditionally taught.

Some people believe that the line speed reading technique can
improve your reading speed by as much as fifty percent. The
second speed reading technique which we would like to introduce
is called the card technique. Since we read one word at a time,
there is a tendency for our eyes to be drawn back across text
which we have already covered. Research shows us that this very
high in primary school children who are just learning to read
significantly less in students in tertiary education, implying
that the more we read the less we do this. However, even
university students have been recorded to regress read by as
much as fifteen or twenty times per hundred words. This means
that when we complete a passage, there may have been twenty
percent of the text read twice. The card speed reading technique
aims to reduce this wasted word absorption. This speed reading
technique is simple; take a piece of card and place it above the
first line you are going to read. As you read each line move the
card down so that there is effectively not text to regress read
to. As you are hopefully trying to apply the line speed reading
technique as well you should draw a line vertically down the
middle of the card, this will act as a guide to your eyes to
help you apply the line speed reading technique simultaneously
with the card speed reading technique.

As will all new skills it is important to practice as much as
possible. When learning or practicing a new speed reading
technique you must ensure that your are working in a calm and
uninterrupted environment, this will help you to achieve the
best results.

Good luck in you new speed reading technique.

About The Author: Jon Kelly is a published author who writes
articles on a variety of diverse subjects. This includes ideas
about speed reading and studying techniques. If you would like
to get more ideas about speed reading. Please visit

Speed Reading Is An Important Skill

Almost everyone has seen someone speed read, they appear to
skim the text and still have read and absorbed the content. It
is normal for everyone to read at different speeds, even before
some people have mastered the skills of speed reading. The
people who have studied speed reading techniques will still read
at different speeds; however they will undoubtedly beat those
without speed reading experience. The point of speed reading is
to understand and absorb the material using specifically learned
strategies. Skimming a page and then rapidly turning onto the
next page is not really of use if the brain is not absorbing the
information at an equivalent speed. The best and most efficient
way to learn to speed read is to enrol in speed reading classes,
where speed reading skills will be explained clearly.

The advantage of speed reading courses is that students will be
shown several different strategies for speed reading allowing
them to choose the ones they find easiest to understand the
material they are reading. Students should try to learn all the
strategies presented during speed reading courses as, once these
are mastered, they will see a dramatic improvement in their
reading rate, after which they can hone and choose their
preferred style. Students will see the benefits of speed reading
as soon as the techniques are applied to their main field of
study. The time taken for reading assignments and research for
written assignments will be greatly reduced. (Allowing more time
for sports and other lessons of life also learnt through college
living). Equally, once in the world of business and industry,
speed reading will reduce the length of time needed for reports,
research papers and newspapers.

Speed Reading Strategies Encourage Comprehension

Speed reading does not take the lessons applied when learning
to read at primary school and speed them up - this would not
work and would not increase the speed of absorption of the
information. Speed reading is about learning whole new
strategies of reading, ensuring that material content is not
missed or misunderstood. Primary school teaches reading in a
linear form, building each word through the letters which form
the syllables, the syllables forming the words and the words
forming the sentences. Speed reading courses teach students to
read looking for different patterns and not to read each word

A traditional education builds habits in reading which a good
speed reading course will push aside, replacing with new
techniques. A comprehensive course will also advise students how
to become more efficient readers; hopefully this will also
encourage the desire for self improvement as well as the desire
to read. Students often work with distractions (usually noise)
around them; lecturers in speed reading will normally discourage
this as research shows that by reducing the distractions the
level of comprehension are increased. Lecturers in speed reading
will usually take the time to teach students the importance of
preparing the environment they work in before they read a single
work - remember speed reading is all about increasing the speed
of comprehension not just the speed of reading!

The satisfaction of reading faster and with better
comprehension skills cannot be underestimated; the techniques of
speed reading increase the enjoyment of reading. Speed reading
is a skill to be encouraged in each and every generation of new

About The Author: Jon Kelly is a published author who writes
articles on a variety of diverse subjects. This includes ideas
about speed reading and studying techniques. If you would like
to get more ideas about speed reading. Please visit

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Natural Perspective of Speed Reading

We all know how speed reading can enrich our lives both qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitatively, because by speed reading we will be able train our mind to process its thoughts faster, and that will make us more intelligent over time. Quantitatively, because speed reading enables us to save time and use it for living our lives to the fullest. When we speed read, we are digesting the thoughts of the writer in a shorter span of time, and that gives us more time to analyze those thoughts and even to start applying them to our lives.

Speed reading courses have mushroomed in recent times like a bacterium undergoing binary fission, but it is necessary to emphasize here that all of them need not be effective at all. Some of them might create temporary boosts of speed reading episodes, but that would be all. Most of these courses do not work in the long run because they skin the human brain superficially. There is no conscious effort at making the person realize that speed reading must come from within, and not from any outside factor.

That is why natural speed reading techniques are much more effective. These do not employ any outer factor for enhancing reading skills; on the contrary, they condition the human senses to begin reading faster. This certainly helps the person to read faster; and not only that, the reader can also assimilate the thoughts into memory for a much longer time. In time, the thoughts become constructive inputs to the mind, and the person's life becomes enriched.

You must certainly have heard that children have much better mental capacities than adults. They are able to remember many more things, and can read at a voracious pace than adults can do. Think about it. When you were a child you learnt your native tongue, your state's language and perhaps some others too. That happened as a natural process, didn't it? Do you remember making any effort to master those languages? But if you were to learn a foreign language today as an adult, you can very well appreciate the difficulties you will have to take.

Why does that happen? That is because, as children, our mind is much closer to the natural way it was made - i.e. devoid of the thoughts that we have pumped into it over the ages. As a result, children can read faster, and that certainly improves their mind. Adults have a mind crammed with worries, which does not allow them to savor reading as they did when children.

The prime intention of natural speed reading is to help the mind understand what is in the written matter. The thing to be remembered is that your knowledge of language is the most important tool in speed reading. In that sense, it is your knowledge that is driving in the other knowledge into your mind. This is the whole premise of natural speed reading techniques. You keep a free mind, and then use your own knowledge to better read what is in front of you.

Natural speed reading works in a much better way than other methods because it allows people to understand their own limitations, and trains them to condition their minds to word faster. This method does not just improve reading capabilities, but it can actually help the person to improve life at large.

Kip D Goldhammer owns and operates - How To Improve Reading Speed